10+ easy felt craft ideas you can make today

Felt is such a versatile fabric that you can make anything from it.

Here is a few easy felt craft ideas which can be made at home. Try these and create toys or flowers for decorations. Even if you think that you have never tried anything like this, some of the crafts are totally for beginners. And don’t worry, you will not be perfect the first time but it will you motivate to create something.

There are many crafts which can be created with felt balls.

If you are looking for good quality felt balls to make the felt garland, try these felt balls.

12 Easy felt craft ideas for you

1. Felted Polar Bear

If you are looking to start creating crafts with felt, this easy to make polar bear which will help you in getting started. You will need only a few things to make this polar bear. Check out the instructions and tutorial.

easy felt craft ideas to try for you

Check out at craftbits.com

To create this you will need high-quality wool roving, which you can find here.

2. Easy Felt flower

These easily felt roses are a perfect craft to show that you care on Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day or any day of the year.

Easy felt roses as easy felt craft ideas

Check out the recipe at twokidsandacoupon.com

3. Simple felt needle Case

This is a tutorial on a simple felt needle case. This case is easy to make and you can make it with few things. you can use any colours of felt of your choice.

Easy felt craft ideas

Check out the tutorial at sumoftheirstories.com

4. Different ways to make felt flowers

As you know, felt is a versatile fabric which can be used in many ways. making flowers is one of them. Here are 10 ways to make felt flowers easily. These can be used to decorate your house on special occasions.

different ways to make easy felt flowers: easy felt ctaft ideas to make

Check out here at Sumoftheirstories.com

5. Repurposed Felt Succulent garden

Create this gorgeous Repurposed Felt Succulent Garden with scraps from a sweater. Different coloured scraps are used to make this beautiful felt succulent garden.

repurposed felt faux succulent

Check out the tutorial pillarboxblue.com

6. Kids felt crafts monsters

These colourful kids felt craft “friendly monsters” put a new spin on paper dolls!

Felt monsters for kids

Check out the tutorial at thesoccermomblog.com

7. Mix-n-match magnet  ghost crafts

An easy kids Halloween Ghost Craft that doubles as a boredom buster afterwards. If you love Halloween, I bet you would love these too.

Mix n match ghost magnet crafts for hallloween

Check out the tutorial at thesoccermomblog.com

8. Travelling Felt Dolls

Create these travel felt dolls by tracing from a set of templates called Tracerkins by EK success. They were meant to trace dolls for scrapbooks. But then the idea of tracing travel dolls was generated.

Easy felt craft ideas: travelling dolls

Check out the tutorial at titus2homemaker.com

9. DIY Beach themed pillow

This DIY beach themed pillow is made with felt fabric. How can a beach theme be complete without a whale!

Easy felt beach craft idea to create pillows

Check out the tutorial at sustainmycrafthabit.com

10. DIY potted Felt Succulents

Make these adorable and care-free potted felt succulents. if you love having succulents but are not good at keeping them, try these felt succulents. They are easy to make and look fabulous.

Easy felt crafts: DIY felt succulents

Check out the tutorial here at sustainmycrafthabit.com

11. Customizable felt Play Car Mat

This is a huge car mat for your kids to play. This will take some time to make but don’t worry, you will make it. you can either sew it or use hot glue.

customizable felt car mat

Check out the tutorial at Savingtalents.com

12. DIY Felt Birthday Tutorial

Make a colourful banner to celebrate birthdays and special occasions using bright felt, embroidery floss and big buttons.

Check out the tutorial at Kenarry.com

How to make felt ball garland

Best wool roving for your crafty needs

I promise you will love these crafts. Check out these and began to explore the crafty person inside you. Some of these crafts are great for beginners.


Readers who read this post and enjoyed it also read How to make felt ball wreath by sewing mehtod. We hope you will love this one as well.