Finding the perfect Christmas decorations for your Christmas tree or your home can be a bit of a hassle. Often times, Christmas decorations are plain and traditional or are too expensive to purchase if you only plan to use them for one month out of the year. This Christmas ball garland will brighten up your house this Christmas.
If you are sick of spending too much money on decorations or are looking for a truly unique decoration, you can stop searching for decorations in the store and choose to make your own instead. Making your own felt pom poms garland is one of the best ways to elevate your Christmas decorations and bring originality into your home.
Where To Use Christmas Ball Garland?
Christmas ball garland can be easily used in many different areas of the home. The best place to use it is often wrapped around the Christmas tree. This garland can easily be used with or without lights to brighten up the tree. It is a wonderful alternative to tinsel that leaves a mess around your home.
Garland made from felt pom-poms is and ideal way to decorate and it does not leave a mess. This garland can also be used in other places around the home. You can hang the garland above the fireplace, around doors and windows, over beds, and even on tables and chairs.
It is one of the more versatile decorations you can use around the home. It can also be used year after year to help bring holiday cheer to your home.
How To Make Christmas Ball Garland?
This garland is easy to make, but you can add on some additional features to it to help bring extra Christmas spirit into your home. If you are looking to make a traditional Christmas garland you will first need to gather all of your materials.

You will need about five feet of string, an embroidery needle, about 50 to 60 felt balls or your choosing, hot glue and a hot glue gun. When choosing the felt balls you want on your garland, there are many different options to choose from. You can choose the color and sizes that you want. If you are looking to add some texture and design to the garland you should implement different sized felt pieces into your project.
Felt balls to make Christmas ball garland
Try getting one inch balls, 3/4 inch balls and 1/2 inch balls to add some unique features. You can also experiment with different colors. You can choose to use the traditional red, green and white balls. You can also choose to use only red and white if you want to have a candy cane theme.
If you are looking to add some originality to your decorations, you may also choose to use some off beat colors, like a pint, light green or burgundy. The choices are completely up to you. Be sure to lay the colors out next to each other to make sure they compliment one another before assembling them together.

To make the garland you will want to first tie off about four inches of the string into a loop at the very end of the string. This loop will allow you to hang the garland anywhere in your home that you like. Once you have knotted the end of the string into a loop, you can begin threading on the felt.

Use the embroidery needle to thread on one felt ball at a time. Move the ball to the end of the string and then add on another ball. Complete this process until you have threaded on all of your balls.

Choosing the pattern of the felt ball garland
Try experimenting with different patterns to give yourself a more unique and one of a kind looking garland. Leave about four inches of string at the end of the ball to allow yourself to tie this section of string into a loop. Once you have tied off the end of the string you can hang this garland anywhere you like.

Adding Additional Designs If you are looking to add some design to your traditional garland you can elevate your masterpiece by adding some leaves or wooden beads. Wooden beads can be added to any section of the garland, just like the felt pieces. These beads will bring a unique touch to your decorations.

If you want to make your garland look more festive and natural, you can add some felt leaves to your design and help your garland look more like holly and cranberries. To add leaves to your garland you will need a few small pieces of green felt, scissors, hot glue and a hot glue gun.

To begin, you will need to cut out three small oval shaped leaves from the green felt. Pinch one side of each green leaf and hold with a small dot of hot glue.

This small step will help the leaves look more realistic. Then, use hot glue to glue the leaves together slightly. Simply place a small dot of hot glue at the edge of the leaf that is not folded and place the next leaf on top.

Then, use hot glue to glue three balls of felt onto the leaves. If you want it to resemble a holiday cranberry use light pinks and white. If you would rather have it resemble winter holly, use red balls instead. The final product should resemble a cranberry or holly leaf.

When adding this leaf onto the garland simply thread the string through one of the balls. Add about five of these berry designs to the entire garland at any place to add some added design and creativity.

This Christmas ball garland is sure to get compliments and be used tear after year around your home and on your tree.
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